Our Services
Residential Conveyancing
Divorce & Family Law
Making your Will
Probate/Estate Administration
Powers of Attorney
Legal Aid/Legal Help
The Practice
About us
Our Commitment
How to find us
Contact us
MarstonHarbottle, Solicitors
Orchard House
Northumberland, NE46 1PQ
Tel: 01434 602486
Fax: 01434 600229
What do you do if you can't stand each other (apart
from murder)?
How do you get out of this mess?
What if there's another woman/man/both???
Unfortunately relationships do not always work out. High hopes all
too frequently end up in the divorce courts these days, and you
need to know where you stand. We can advise you whether or not you
have grounds for divorce or being divorced, and how to go about
getting divorced.
Who will get the children?
Is your partner stopping you from seeing the kids?
How do you get Child Support?
We can explain to you the concept of residence and contact orders.
We can help you pursue your application through the mediation or
the Courts as necessary. We can tell you what to expect to pay/receive through the Child Support Agency.
Victim of domestic violence?
If you need urgent protection from your partner, the Court can make
an injunction order to give you protection. Ruth Harbottle and Rosemary Asquith have
succeeded in obtaining such protective orders at extremely short
notice for hundreds of clients over the past few years. They are experienced
and speedy, when what you need is experience and speed!
No maintenance?
Who gets the house?
Is my pension safe?
How will I survive financially?
You need to know where you will stand financially and what your
rights are before you can negotiate any agreement with your partner
about who gets what. We can assist you in this whether through mediation
or the Courts.
You may be eligible for Legal Help or Legal Aid to
cover your costs. If you think you might be, please click here to
link you to our page which covers legal aid and legal help eligibility.
Ruth Harbottle is accredited by Resolution as a specialist in domestic violence and financial matters ancillary to divorce and separation, and Rosemary Asquith is also accredited by Resolution as a specialist in children matters and domestic abuse. Ruth Harbottle and Rosemary Asquith are members of Resolution ( formerly the Solicitor's Family Law Association) who promote the avoidance of conflict between separating couples. Our Lawyers have extensive experience of all aspects of divorce and family work.
If you wish to contact them directly, please
do this by phone on 01434 602486, or letter to:
MarstonHarbottle, Solicitors, Orchard House, Priestpopple, Hexham,
Northumberland, NE46 1PQ
Ruth Harbottle – rlharbottle@marstonharbottle.com
Rosemary Asquith – rasquith@marstonharbottle.com
